Tuesday, December 14, 2010


During the 16 weeks of doing this blog it has been educational, fun and interesting. I learned first and foremost how to write a blog. It might be strange to say this but I am not technology savvy like my peers. Yes I have facebook and yes I know how to write and email but I don't necessarily jump on the bandwagon when new things come out. When blogs came out I wasn't really interested or had the time. I love to write stories though and when this assignment was assigned, I was really excited. To write about anything we wanted for a class assignment was a dream come true.

The topic I chose to write about was the popularity of Twilight. The process has been fun. I truly enjoy the movies but of course everything that comes with it is so intense and crazy. The research process has been attention grabbing. I knew a lot of the stories such as the teens biting each other and kids forming their own wolf packs but it's always fun to read the stories. It was fascinating to know how much the world has changed in their thinking. So many things have become the norm and it is so not normal. I didn't have an emotional journey but I learned a lot.

It's fine doing the traditional papers but it's so much more fun when things are switched up. The online format was refreshing. What I learned from using this format of writing is that it has the same feel of assigning a researched paper. You have to pick a topic, research and write about it. But the only difference is it makes the writer excited every day, at least it did for me. Using the online research database to find my information was great. What I also learned from using the online format instead of the traditional format is how to use the internet better. As I said before, I had never used a blog before so learning how to use one was fun.

Overall this experience was fun. I wish more teachers would use this format to teach. It was fun and I am glad I was able to take part in this assignment

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